Blue Yonder (2020 - now)

Design Director, 2020 - now
SAP Projects (2012 - 2020)

Concept Owner / Design Lead, 2016 - 2020

Design Lead, 2016 - 2017

Interaction Designer / Design Lead, 2014 - 2015

Interaction Designer, 2014 - 2015
Non-Profit Projects (2004 - 2018)

Schachclub Eppingen
Homepage for my german chess club
Svetlana Shapiro Photography
Our small family business
Website for diorama and figure modelling
Eppingen Jugendopen
Yearly onepager for youth chess tournament
Schachfinale 2014
Homepage for bundesliga chess finals 2014
Schule am Großen Wald
Website for elementary school in my home town
Homepage for my daughter '-)
Homepage for my son :-)
... and for another daughter ;-)
Previous Experience (1998 - 2006)

Software Engineer
2003 - 2006
2003 - 2006

Web Developer, Game Design
2002 - 2005
2002 - 2005

Co-Founder, Start-Up
1998 - 2003
1998 - 2003

Web Developer, University Portal
1998 - 2002
1998 - 2002