Heroic WordPress Upgrade 2.1 – 3.92

I have skipped 7 years of  Wordpress Development (and was victorious over my laziness) and upgraded to the latest version. I must say that I have expected more troubles.  As suggested I have done 9 incremental updates jumping over two major releases.

The routine was quite simple:

  1. Backup the database (one time action)
  2. Backup the wp-content/uploads (one time action)
  3. Disable all plugins
  4. Delete everything but wp-content, .htaccess and wp-config
  5. Download each major release from archive and copy it over the file system
  6. run /wp-admin/upgrade
  7. Test
  8. Repeat from point 3 until you’ve reached your release.

After all done I have even tested the direct upgrade from 2.1 to 3.9.2 and … it has also worked without issues.

Respect to the WordPress  Team!